Monday, June 23, 2014


Motherhood has brought out the worst in me.
It’s brought out the very best of me.

It’s revealed my deepest fears.
And created my greatest joys.

It's made me selfless.
It's made me want to be completely selfish.

It’s made me laugh hard.
It’s definitely made me cry.

It’s taught me painful lessons.
It’s made me sure of what I already know.

It’s made me wonder who I am.
It’s made sure of who I am.

It’s made me sick with worry.
It’s healed parts of me I didn't know were broken.

It’s made me sing.
It’s made me scream.

It’s made me numb.
It’s made me feel deeply.

It's made me feel utterly alone.
It's made me part of a team.

It’s revealed strength I didn’t know I had.
It’s shown me weakness I wish I didn’t have.

It’s confused the heck out of me.
It’s made me understand life.

It’s made me different.
But better.

I can’t explain it.
It just is.


  1. So glad to see you post, I've been wondering what happened!
    Hope you're doing well and stick around for a bit :)

  2. Hey Ashley! Yeah I kind of fell off the face of the blogging world after I moved last year! I want to get back in to it now!! Hope you've been well!!
