Friday, May 31, 2013

Confessions of a 6th Grader

My little brother is in sixth grade, and just entering the 'dating' world.

A conversation: 

Me: David, are you going to see your girlfriend over the summer? 

David: Well, she was supposed to come over Friday. But we didn't specify which Friday, and there are a lot of them. I forgot to get her phone number. I have her address though. 


Me: You didn't kiss her, did you? You're too young for that. 

David: No. We talked about it, but then she almost puked. 


David: My friend is dating my girlfriend's twin sister, so we're brothers. 

Me: Well, you'll only be brothers if you both marry them. 

David: I'm working on it. 


David: I want to save my money so me and my girlfriend can go on vacation. 

Me: Where do you want to go? 

David: We can't decide between Hawaii and Paris. Hawaii is really pretty, but Paris is really romantic. 


  1. Oh my gosh, TOO CUTE!! You have to save these for his wedding!! Haha.
